our story


Founded in 2003, in response to the increase of deaths by suicide in the Niagara Region, the Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition (NSPC) was formed from over 25 community agencies and members at large. The purpose of the NSPC is to build strong and lasting community partnerships that will work together to implement our suicide prevention strategy, to address the needs of all residents of Niagara, and to reflect the values of a caring compassionate community. NPSC is a non-funded community coalition.


Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition exists to bring interested community organizations, groups, individuals and volunteers together to make Niagara a suicide-safer community.

The work of the NSPC is carried out by working groups under the direction of the NSPC Reference committee. Our focus is suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. Guided by our six key areas of strategic focus; public awareness, media education, access to services, means safety, training, and evaluation/research, we continue to establish and build on our community partnerships, with involvement to date totaling over 20 local agencies and members.

Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition does not offer direct, immediate or emergency services.


Membership is open to community agencies, groups and individuals who live or work in the Niagara region and agree to support the mandate of the Niagara Suicide Prevention Coalition. Those with an interest in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention are welcome to apply. 

To become a member click here to contact us

Need Help?

NSPC does not provide counseling or crisis support.

9 - 1- 1.

If you are thinking about suicide, or worried about someone you know,
call 9-8-8.