toolkits and publications

St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton & Niagara Region Public Health
A Guide for People and Families Struggling with Suicide
Developed by St. Joe’s experts and those with lived experience, this guide is meant to support those experiencing thoughts of suicide, as well as their loved ones alongside them through their journey.
Mental Health Commission of Canada
A toolkit for people impacted by a suicide attempt
A compilation of tools/resources that provide strategies and coping suggestions, crisis planning, how to safely share stories around suicide. General background information/ context on suicide in Canada, hopeful messaging and training resources. *Development of toolkit informed by people with lived experiences related to suicide.
Mental Health Commission of Canada
A toolkit for people impacted by a suicide loss
A compilation of tools/resources that provide strategies and coping suggestions, crisis planning, how to safely share stories re: suicide loss and hopeful messaging. General background information/context on suicide in Canada also provided. *Development of toolkit information by people with lived experience related to suicide loss.

Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
Hope & Healing After Suicide: A practical guide for people
who have lost someone to suicide in Ontario
Information on how to speak about suicide loss, working through grief, practical matters such as funeral arrangements, resources in Ontario to find professional therapists, organizations, websites and books.

Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
“When a Parent Dies by Suicide… What Kids Want to Know”
Addresses how to respond to common questions asked by children who have lost a parent/caregiver to suicide.

BC Ministry of Children and Family Development
A Proactive Planning Workbook for Communities
Affected by Youth Suicide
Workbook provides information, resources and checklists to help communities develop, implement and monitor a suicide postvention strategy.
Need Help?
NSPC does not provide counseling or crisis support.
9 - 1- 1.
If you are thinking about suicide, or worried about someone you know,
call 9-8-8.